Free Medium Chat Rooms - Accurate Psychic Medium Reading
Psychic Medium Readings: Free Psychic Medium Chat Rooms and Phone Readings
Are you looking to get an accurate psychic medium reading online? We can provide you with the best online psychic medium reading websites. Via these websites you can get totally free medium chat or an affordable medium reading via either chat or phone.
Via a psychic medium reading you can re-connect with your passed loved ones. But mediums can also help you with any other question about any important topic in life. Medium readings offer insight, clarity and guidance regarding topics like love, money, career, health, children, marriage and pregnancy. We have created a top 3 of the absolute best psychic medium reading websites of 2023/2024.
Keep reading to find out all there is to know about mediums and what to expect from them. And to get the best online psychic medium reading possible. You can even get a completely free psychic medium reading if you are interested.
What is a Psychic Medium?
A psychic medium is a person with the exceptional ability to communicate with people who have crossed over to the other side, as well as guardian angels and spirit guides. In other words, they are able to connect with the spiritual world. A psychic medium, also called a paranormal medium, spiritual medium, or intuitive medium, literally acts as a channel between those on earth and spiritual beings from another dimensions.
This is why their work is often referred to as 'channeling'. Many psychic mediums are also able to provide you an accurate psychic reading when you are looking for answers, insight, clarity and future predictions regarding any topic in life.
How does a Psychic Medium Work?
Most people are not fully aware of the difference between a psychic and a psychic medium and might even think both are the same. But this is not quite right. A psychic has supernatural talents such as the ability to see the past, present and future, while a psychic medium is also capable of this, they can use their abilities to communicate with the other side. In other words a psychic is not always a medium while a medium is considered to be psychic, but they do take things a step further by connecting with spirit.
Psychic mediums are able to see the past, present and future influences of a person in the same way a psychic does. Examples of the abilities are clairvoyance, clairaudience and claircognizance.
How Does a Medium Connect with Spirit?
Everything is made of energy and vibrates at a certain frequency. When our physical body dies, our soul continues to live on and then vibrates at a much higher frequency than here on earth. During spirit communication, spirit is able to slow down their vibration a bit, while the medium raises his/her vibration. This way, the medium is able to link with the energy of the person in spirit and connect. It takes a lot of energy for spirit and the medium as well to connect with each other.
Different Types of Mediums
Psychic mediums have many ways to connect with spirits. Some use their special senses to hear or see messages from the other side. Others might even produce real, physical signs like moving objects to show a spirit's presence. There are also mediums who write messages from spirits, or who can channel healing energy. With so many types, you're sure to find a medium that fits what you're looking for. This will help you understand the different kinds of mediums out there so you can choose the one that's right for you.
Mental Mediums
Mental mediums are perhaps the most well-known type of psychic mediums. They connect with spirits using their psychic senses, rather like an enhanced version of our normal senses. These senses are often termed as "clair" senses. The three main ones are:
1. Clairaudience: This is psychic hearing. Mental mediums with this ability hear voices, sounds, or even music from the spiritual realm.
2. Clairvoyance: This means psychic seeing. These mediums see images, symbols, or visions that spirits show them. Sometimes this happens in their mind's eye, other times as if they were seeing it in the real world.
3. Clairsentience: This is psychic feeling or sensing. These mediums get emotional or physical sensations that convey messages from spirits. They might feel a spirit's emotions or physical pain that they suffered in life.
Mental mediums use one or more of these senses to receive messages from the other side. They then interpret these messages to provide insights, closure, or guidance to those who seek it. Their abilities make them versatile, as they can offer insight into various areas of life and connect with different kinds of spiritual entities.
Physical Mediums
Physical mediums are special people who can show us signs from spirits in ways we can all see or hear. Instead of just getting messages in their heads, they make things happen in the real world. For example, they can make a cup move by itself or create a knocking sound with no one touching anything. Sometimes, they even make special lights appear in the room. People like to talk to physical mediums when they want to see or hear something real from spirits. It's a way to know for sure that the spirit world is reaching out to us.
Trance Mediums
Trance mediums are special because they let spirits talk through them. To do this, they go into a trance, which is like a deep, focused state where they step aside and allow the spirit to take over for a bit. Getting into this trance isn't something just anyone can do. The medium usually has to practice a lot and may use techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or even special chants to help them get there. Once in a trance, the spirit can then speak directly through the medium. This can make the messages from the spirit world really clear and strong. People often go to trance mediums when they want to hear straight from a spirit.
Automatic Writing Mediums
Automatic writing mediums let spirits guide their hand to write messages. Instead of speaking or showing signs, the medium's hand moves on its own to write down what the spirit wants to say. To do this, the medium usually goes into a light trance. They might sit quietly, take deep breaths, and let go of their own control over their hand. Then the spirit takes over and starts writing. People use automatic writing for different things. Some want long messages from the spirit world, and some even get whole books this way! Others use it for quick answers to questions they have. The writing can give important messages or advice that people are looking for.
Animal Communicators
Animal communicators are mediums who talk to pets and other animals that have passed away. Just like mediums who talk to people, they use special senses to connect with animal spirits. To make this connection, they often focus on the animal's energy or even use a picture of the pet to tune in. They may also use techniques like meditation to open up their senses more. Once connected, they can get messages from the animal to share with the owner. This can be really comforting for people who miss their pets and want to know they are okay. Sometimes, the animal might have a special message or even some advice for their owner.
In summary, there are various types of mediums, each with their own special way of connecting with the spirit world. Whether you want to hear from a loved one, get a written message, or even connect with a pet that's passed away, there's a medium for you. Choosing the right type depends on what you're looking for and how you'd like to connect.
What Questions Can You Ask During a Medium Chat?
You can ask a medium about anything you have in mind. You can ask about your passed loved one but for example also about your love life, career, pregnancy and even your health. Mediums won't answer questions like what are the winning lotery numbers or when will I die? Most mediums don't want nothing to do with these kind of questions. This is because most mediums believe that medium readings are meant for other purposes. They believe readings are meant to help people re-connect with loved ones on the other side and show them that there is life after death and that our loves ones never leave us. They are just with us in another form and demension. Also medium readings are meant to help people with insights, advice and guidance. They are not meant to just predict all future events. Although this surely is a reason why people could contact a medium. And mediums don't have any problems with questions that are important and are keeping people busy at night. Therefore most psychic mediums will try to answer questions about the future. But keep in mind that the medium can only share with you the information they get from the spiritual world. Mediums don't decide what information they want. They can only ask and see what is being shared with them.
Examples of medium questions you can ask
- How can I help make this situation better?
- Can you see me and my ex getting back together?
- Does my partner still love me?
- Did my partner cheat on me?
- Will I get the job I want?
- Does my deceased mother have a message for me?
- Is there a deceased family or friend that want's to tell me something?
- Is there anything important for me to know right now?
As you can see these are all normal questions that could be of importants to someone. When you contact a medium always be respectful and openminded to the answers you can receive.
Is Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) Proven?
Unfortunately many people are still very skeptical about ESP. Although it is a fact that extra sensory perception is proven multiple times by different studies and researches. Between the years 1974 and 2008 parapsychics have proven the existince of Esp in 108 publications. Researches have been done in laboratory all over the world.
But why isn't this fact mentioned on Television and all the big news papers? This is because Esp is not recognized and accepted by the scientific community. They believe that although Esp is somehow proven the experiment can't be repeated.
But in December 2010 Patrizio E. Tressoldi and his colleagues revealed in the Scientific magazine NeuroQuantology that Esp experiments can be proven and repeated.
Despite the fact that evidence has already been provided for the existence of ESP on several occasions, the investigation continues afterwards.
History of Psychics and Mediums
Psychics, also known as fortune tellers, have been around for many centuries. The best example of this in ancient times is the Delphi Oracle. Many Greeks visited this oracle for help and advice. In the Middle Ages, divination and contact with psychics were considered a sin in Christian Europe. It was banned by the church and people who dealt with it were sometimes even prosecuted. At the end of the Middle Ages, famous scientists became engaged in divination in the form of astrology. Famous scientists such as Isaac Newton and Johannes Kepler studied Astrology. Kings and other important people also often employed personal astrologers who gave them advice on making important decisions. In the 19th and 20th century, psychics were especially common at fairs. Here people could have their future read by means of palm reading or tarot card readings.
Today you can come into contact with psychics in many different ways. For example, there are many TV programs where you can enter into a consultation by calling or texting. You can now also get in touch with professional psychics via the many websites by telephone, email, chat or text message. Visiting a psychic is considered normal by more and more people. We also live in a time of spiritual awakening so now more and more people are becoming interested in the paranormal and therefore also in psychics, mediums and fortune tellers.
Most Famous Psychic Mediums
Edgar Cayce 1877 - 1945
Edgar Cayce was a psychic medium and "clairvoyant diagnostician". In a deep trance he answered questions from third parties about their health, dreams, past lives and affairs. He was called the sleeping prophet. Edgar is one of the most famous psychic mediums from the United States.
Theressa Caputo
Theressa Caputo is famous because of the TLC program Long Island medium. The show aired on Tv for 13 seasons. You can also watch Theressa performing live readings while she is on tour.
Other well-known names in the paranormal world are Derik Ogilvie, Tyler Henry, Char Margolis, The psychic twins and Nostradamus. But not all good psychics have become famous, of course. There are many good psychic mediums worldwide who have already helped countless people with their paranormal gifts while there where never in the news or on Tv.
All Psychic Mediums are Unique
Even though psychic mediums do the same kind of work, they each bring their own unique style to their readings. Some mediums are very serious, while other mediums are very down to earth, and others bring a lot of humor to their medium readings. It really depends on the personality of the medium.
Some psychic readers give lots of detailed information that may include first names and dates, while others can almost step into the personality of your passed loved ones in heaven.
How Soon after Passing can you Communicate with Spirit?
A medium reading can be done at any time. But sometimes a soul that has just left the physical world needs some time to adapt and could therefore not connect with the medium. If that is the case then wait a couple more days or weeks before you try again. But most of the times it is possible to connect with a passed loved one right away. It can be a very healing experience to talk to a loved one that has just died. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable during the reading. Some people like to contact a passed loved one right away and some people need some time to process everything before they can connect to their deceased loved one again.
Chat with a Proven Medium Online
Online it is fairly easy to get into contact with a proven medium. You could choose between a medium chat reading or telephone reading. It is even possible to talk to a medium for free. Via our website you can join the #1 online spiritual community and talk to proven psychic mediums totally for free. But keep in mind that the free medium chat is not for receiving free readings. The main purpose is to get to know the mediums before paying for a reading. That being said, many mediums are willing to answer some questions at no cost.
How does Free Medium Chat Work?
All you have to do is register an account at Oranum. Then you have full acces to all the free (public) chat rooms.
Many mediums are willing to give you some information or offer a psychic medium question at no cost. This way they can show you that there are genuine and really able to provide you an accurate medium reading online. You can ask mediums to play games like ''Yes or No'' or ''Pick a card''. This is a fun way to get some free answers fast.
If you are interested in getting a free medium chat reading you can register an account here. Of course you can also get a paid private reading at any time you feel like it. You can choose between a live video chat or video call reading.
Get a Free Medium Chat Reading Guaranteed
If you are looking to get a free medium reading right away then al you need to do is register and validate your credit card to your account. You will get 9,99 free credits. You don't have to make any kind of payment, just validate your credit card and the 9,99 credits will be added to your account, guaranteed.
Our top 3 Best Psychic Medium reading Websites
Like we mentioned before, We have created a top 3 best medium reading websites for you. Oranum is our number one bases on the fact that they offer completely free medium chat 24/7 as well as a unique welcome offer of 9,99 free credits.
You can check out our #2 and #3 to see what they have to offer when it comes to medium chat and medium phone readings. Every psychic medium platform is different and they all have unique things to offer. Feel free to try out the free chat at Oranum or check out our top 3.
Tips to Get the Best Medium Reading Possible
There are a couple of things that can help you to get the best medium chat reading possible and a couple of things you should keep in mind when receiving a medium reading.
- 1: It is best not to give to much information during a medium reading. Answer the questions with just a Yes/No. This way the medium knows if he/she is connecting with the right person or maybe some other person (soul) who has a message for you. Or it's a validation that they are connecting with your energy. Let the medium do the talking and just validate the information they give you.
- 2: When you would like to connect with a specific person it could be very helpful to think of that person. A thought is energy. Love is energy. And the spirit world will pick up on that energy. This can help to raise the vibration and connect with the person you are thinking of.
- 3: A medium can never guarantee that they will connect with the person you are thinking of. A medium isn't able to decide who is going to come through during a reading. They can only receive the communication that the spirit world is willing to send them.
- 4: Always be patient during a psychic medium reading. It could be that other spirits come through first, before the person you are looking for to communicate with. Even pets can come through with a message for you. Any spirit can have a message for you, a family member, a friend or even your neighbor. This message will always be positive and can be very healing for the person you relay the message to.
- 5: Always have a pen and paper with you during a reading and write down the things that are mentioned by the medium. Sometimes you can't remember things at that specific moment but will come to you days, weeks or even months later.
- 6: Try to stay relax and positive during a reading. Have an open mind. Do not hesitate to ask any questions prior to the reading or during the reading.
- 7: Last but not least, be openminded. Let the energy flow and be open to the information that is shared with you. Sometimes you don't get the answers you want and immediately you want to think that the psychic is not genuine just because you don't like what they have to say. We would to tell you to be patient and don't close off. This makes it more difficult for the medium to read your energy. Let the answers sink in and see if how you feel about it after some time. Sometimes we just don't get in life what we want. But it is always for our higher good even if we can't see it now.
What Can you Ask Your Passed Loved Ones
Genuine mediums are discrete and gentle in the way they go about reuniting people and spirits with the use of their psychic senses. So don't feel ashamed to ask anything that is on your mind. Any question is okay to ask when it is of importants to you.
If you feel more comfortable getting a medium reading over the phone then you could consider to contact professional telephone mediums who are very experienced in connecting with the spirit world and the deceased.
Get a Medium Reading by Phone
Would you rather talk to a medium on the phone? That's no problem. We have professional online mediums for accurate and reliable psychic medium phone readings. Talk to an online medium and re-connect with your passed loved ones again.. Your loved ones are waiting for you to contact them so do not hesitate to pick up the phone to get a real and honest psychic medium reading. The medium from Keen are highly recommend by thousands of satisfied people worldwide. All the positive reviews on the website are there to prove it. Feel free to try it out yourself.
More FAQ About Psychic Mediums and Psychic Medium Readings
What are psychic medium chat rooms?
Psychic medium chat rooms are online platforms where individuals can connect with psychic mediums in real-time via text chat. These platforms facilitate conversations between users seeking guidance, insights, or communication with spirits or energies through a medium. Every psychic medium chat room is unique and they all have unique things to offer. Like live chat, video chat, video call and different welcome offers like free minutes with a chosen medium.
Are psychic medium chat rooms accurate?
Accuracy can vary based on several factors, including the skills and abilities of the psychic mediums, the connection between the medium and the person seeking guidance, and the nature of the questions or intentions. Not all psychic chat rooms or psychic mediums are the same. Always make sure you are joining a trustworthy medium chat that only works with proven readers.
What types of readings can I expect in medium chat rooms?
Psychic mediums in chat rooms may offer various types of readings, such as tarot card readings, aura readings, mediumship to communicate with spirits, past life readings, or general intuitive guidance. The specific offerings may differ based on the individual medium's abilities.
Are there free medium chat rooms?
Some psychic medium chat rooms offer free introductory sessions or trial periods, while others may require payment for readings or extended sessions. The pricing structure varies among platforms and individual mediums.
How can I find a reputable psychic medium chat room?
Researching reviews, recommendations, and testimonials from other users can help identify reputable platforms. Look for established websites with transparent information about their mediums, their specialties, and their approach to readings. The medium reading websites we offer at our website are of course all trustworthy websites and they have proven to belong among the very best.
Are there any risks associated with using psychic medium chat rooms?
As with any online service, there might be risks related to privacy, misinformation, or encountering fraudulent individuals. It's advisable to use reputable platforms, protect personal information, and approach readings with a critical yet open mindset.
What should I do to prepare for a chat with a psychic medium?
Clear your mind, focus on your intentions or questions, and approach the conversation with openness and respect. Avoid sharing sensitive personal information unless you feel comfortable and have established trust.
Can I remain anonymous during a medium reading?
Many platforms allow users to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym during chat sessions to maintain privacy. It is also not necessary to share any other private information. Of course payment information is needed when you are getting a paid reading.